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cluster set

To set the cluster for your instance of Kurtosis, simply run:

kurtosis cluster set $NAME_OF_CLUSTER

Where the $NAME_OF_CLUSTER argument is the name of a Kurtosis cluster defined in your kurtosis-config.yml (located at /Users/<YOUR_USER>/Library/Application Support/kurtosis/kurtosis-config.yml on MacOS). See this guide to learn more about how to add cluster information to your kurtosis-config.yml file.

Below is an example of what a valid kurtosis-config.yml file might look like with the clusters: docker, minikube, and cloud:

config-version: 2
should-send-metrics: true
type: "docker"
type: "kubernetes"
kubernetes-cluster-name: "minikube"
storage-class: "standard"
enclave-size-in-megabytes: 10
type: "kubernetes"
kubernetes-cluster-name: "NAME-OF-YOUR-CLUSTER"
storage-class: "standard"
enclave-size-in-megabytes: 10
Storage Class

The Storage Class specified in the configuration above will be used for spinning up persistent volumes. Make sure you have the right value in case you are using persistent directories.